If you are thinking of building a new office or moving into a new leased space, tenant improvement (TI) project, having an experienced office interior designer at your side can be an asset. With over 20 years of experience designing, specifying and finishing commercial interiors, we can really help you get a handle on all the details, budgeting and space planning that is required. We start with a branding design theme that is carried throughout your office building. It is easily integrated cost-effectively into your color scheme and then carried all the way into your office furniture. This ensures your clients will have an enjoyable and memorable experience. It creates a positive space for you to interact with your client, and they can really focus on the benefits your company provides.
Being the only interior design firm in the valley that does home, office and healthcare interiors, we understand the luxury elements of high end residential interior design and can value-engineer these design materials for your office. We focus first on finding the highest value office furniture for your budget. We then select the best designed pieces of office furniture to present for your plan. We can pass substantial savings on to you because we source the furniture directly from the manufacturers.